Friday, October 25, 2013

October 28th- November1st


  • Paper plates
  • Paint brush
  • Red and yellow tempera paint
  • Construction paper
  • Googley eyes
  • Yarn
  • Big Pumpkin by Erica Silverman
  • Thirteen Nights of Halloween by Rebecca Dickinson 
  • Go Away Big Green Monster by Ed Emberly
  • Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson

Monday:  Pumpkin color mixing:  (Before you begin...get out red and yellow tempera paint, a paper plate and black construction paper.). If your child will allow it, place a small glob of yellow paint on one hand and a glob of red paint on the other hand. Put more yellow than red. Now, have them rub their hands together to see what new color is made. Once they have made orange they can rub it all over the paper plate.
(If your child does not want paint on their hands, you can simply place the two globs of paint on a paper plate and have them mix the paint with a paint brush.)
Once the plate is covered, explain that we'll be making a face on the jack o lantern. We'll need to make two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. If your child is familiar with their shapes ask them what shape they want for each of the facial features.  If they do not know their shapes, cut out the shapes yourself and name the shapes as you cut them and place them on the pumpkin.

Tuesday: Pumpkin Names:  Draw a large pumpkin shape onto a piece of orange paper and cut out. Write your child's name  on the pumpkin an separate each letter with a line to resemble the lines on a real pumpkin. Cut on the lines.
On a larger piece of paper, write your child's name again. Spell out the letters as you write.  Now, have your child put the pumpkin back together like a puzzle.  For my son, I revealed one letter at a time from his name so it was easier to put back together.

Wednesday: Monster Math:  Cut out 10 different monster shapes out of different colors of construction paper. Line them up and write numbers 1-10 on each monster.  Explain that the monsters can't see so we need to give them eyes.  Help your child to count out the correct number of eyes for each monster.
Original source:

Thursday:  Shape monsters:  With different colors of construction paper in front of you, explain that we're going to make shape monsters.  For each body part, let your child choose the shape and color they want.  For example, " what shape should we make the body?"  If they are not yet familiar with their shapes, you can make suggestions.

Friday:  Spider webs:  Cut out the center of a paper plate.  Make holes all along the outside and tie a string of yarn to one of the holes.  Wrap tape around the end if the string to make a point.  Now, have your child lace the string in and out of the holes.  You may need to " suggest"  which hole the string goes into sometimes.  Use this opportunity to use words such as, "across," "right,""left," etc.  you can make a hand print spider to go along with it or cut out a spider shape.

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